Meet John
John Hunckler, MS Ed, MBA, CH
John was introduced to transcendental meditation, zen, and hypnosis in the 1970s but did not become a certified hypnotist until 2011. He worked for eighteen months in a busy hypnosis practice in Indianapolis, Indiana, where he conducted almost two thousand sessions before opening his own on-line practice — Hypnosisly.
People Learn to Stop Struggling – and Relax
Hypnosisly is unique in its emphasis on teaching self-hypnosis to help people improve their lives. John explains, “Almost everyone has experienced the hypnotic state (daydreaming, getting lost in a story or a play, or while driving a familiar route). I teach clients how to use that ability to relax and focus – in order to plant seeds in their subconscious mind of the habits they want to develop.
Whether it’s to quit smoking, to get healthier, or simply to reduce stressful responses to life’s challenges, hypnosis works. I help people learn to stop struggling with their willpower and relax easily into their real power — the power of the subconscious mind . . . directed by conscious choice.”
John's Retirement Career
John’s life experience and compassion, coupled with his ability to teach others, place him among the best at what he does. He holds master’s degrees from the Universities of North Dakota and Notre Dame in education and business. He has built his career on student-centered learning and self-improvement both in the classroom and in the workplace with Dale Carnegie and Associates.
“This is my retirement career,” John says of his passion. “I plan to follow this path as a hypnotist, life-success coach, and self-hypnosis instructor as long as life allows.”
John holds “office hours” on weekdays and evenings, reserving the weekend for family (Mary Anne, his adult children, and his grandkids).
To schedule a FREE Strategy Session, call or email John today.